Rocky Mountain Integrative Therapy Co
Conifer, CO
Contact us to learn more about the benefits of:
Acupuncture & Cupping Therapy
stimulates blood flow
relaxes muscle tissue
reinstates balance of energy production and flow
activates lymphatic system
reduces tissue toxin levels
treats of sprains, soft tissue injuries, and/or fluid retention
holistic therapy that assists with healing from within
supports the body's ability to respond and adapt to environmental challenges
reinstates balance of the whole individual (body and mind)
improves overall energy, quality of sleep, mood, digestion, etc.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Chamber Sales for Affordable Intensive Home & Office Use
improves brain function, feelings of depression, and healing from TBI
maximizes the ability to perform, heal, and regenerate
is neuro and DNA-protective
improves sensory and muscle strength
mobilizes and activates stem cells from within our bone marrow and adipose tissue by stimulating the synthesis of nitric oxide
enlists new vessel formation (angiogenesis)
enriches the blood
improves microcirculation
may slow and/or inhibit cancer cell migration
enhances collagen production
improves genetic tolerance to toxic exposures
decreases oxidative stress from toxic load levels in all age groups
reverses metabolic and immune dysregulation
High-dose Vitamin C Therapy
supports collagen production
rescues gut microbiota imbalance
suppresses inflammatory response
Preservative-free IV Vitamin & Mineral Therapy
aids in restoration of balance to citric acid cycle (Krebs Cycle) for energy production
improves digestion
assists with recovery from colds, flu, and viruses
supports collagen production
improves quality of sleep
enhances micro-circulation for cosmesis, health, and healing
warms extremities
assists with recovery from migraines and cluster headaches
the gold standard in injection therapy for weight loss
suppresses appetite and substance cravings
may decrease substance abuse tendencies
Five Points Wellness, LLC does not diagnose, treat, or attempt to cure illness; it aims to restore balance, health, and quality of life. No content should be construed as medical advice--it is not. If you have any health concerns, please contact your primary or other medical healthcare provider immediately. Full medical and health disclaimers prevail.
Five Points Wellness, LLC, DBA: RMITC | Bailey BioHealth operates under Rule 3 CCR 713-30 - Rule 800: "Under the personal and responsible direction and supervision of a person licensed under the laws of this State to practice medicine, a license to practice medicine is not required for the rendering of services, other than the prescribing of drugs, by persons qualified by experience, education, or training" (Colorado Secretary of State.)
Complimentary consultations and links to research available upon request. Please call or text Wendy for more information.